The general objective of the project is to lay the foundations and build a background of knowledge for the development of an Italian peanut supply chain, with particular reference to the Apulian territory. This general objective will be pursued through a series of intermediate focuses, which, step by step, will contribute to the construction of the supply chain: (1) starting from agrotechnics, to address the issues related to the selection of the most suitable and adaptable varieties for the Apulian areals and their agronomic management, (2) it will go through the use of biofertilizers (PGPB), to meet the need for a crop with low production impacts, (3) up to the study, monitoring and development of integrated tools for the control of harmful insects. (4) Finally, attention will be paid to optimizing the packaging and storage phase to achieve a shelf life compatible with the income levels required by farmers.
The operational objectives of the project are as follows:
market analysis, to assess potential target markets for the fruiting peanut and the best ways to enhance its value.
the dynamics and actors in the supply chain in order to foster its development.
From an economic and production perspective, the impacts appear particularly relevant. The introduction of a new culture, in a fast-growing market progressively oriented toward the domestic product, brings with it important income opportunities, as well as diversification, for Apulian farmers. In addition, the crop would have benefits on the productivity of approached crops (e.g., cereals) resulting in improved yields (likely in the face of reduced inputs) and profitability on "traditional" crops as well. The possibility of getting to build a local peanut supply chain, all the way to market, further raises the prospects of income and competitiveness for regional agriculture.
Environmentally, the project will focus on developing eco-friendly techniques for peanut cultivation, which through innovative agronomic techniques and the use of biofertilizers contribute to "water-use efficient" products. In parallel, it will be geared toward establishing low-impact pest control strategies aimed at reducing the use of pesticides. Finally, the inclusion of a leguminous crop in rotation would result in positive effects on soil fertility, leading to a possible reduction in the use of synthetic inputs even in rotated crops. Carrying out environmental impact analyses throughout the project, will allow the quantification of benefits and the identification of technical solutions with lower impact, fostering the dissemination of knowledge and awareness of operators on these aspects as well.
From the social point of view, the benefits are identifiable primarily in those resulting from improved incomes of the farmers involved and their living standards, increased knowledge and the spread of lower impact production techniques with positive effects on the health of those involved.
The main innovation of the project lies in the supply chain on which it is centered and in the possibility of bringing to Italy, starting from Apulia, a supply chain that seems to present optimal characteristics for adaptation to our territories, but which is currently almost absent from them. The approach for this purpose is integrated, touching the entire supply chain from the agricultural phase to packaging.
The experimentation at the agricultural level will be based on tests of innovative technologies already existing for the crop (particularly in the USA) but not tested in our territory, and of innovative technologies already present in the territory but not tested on the specific crop, through adaptation and testing (e.g. use of biofertilizers, innovative systems for monitoring and control of insects, innovative technologies for conditioning, adaptation and testing of machines for harvesting the product) also thanks to the knowledge acquired in these areas by the partners.
This section encompasses all activities pertaining to project control, which is divided into several phases: execution process (the set of activities to ensure the implementation of what is planned in the project); the control and monitoring process; risk analysis and mitigation methods.
The dissemination of project activities makes it possible to reach both the direct audience interested in the cultivation innovations, carried out by the scientific part, and a broader audience that does not have specific knowledge but may still be interested in learning about the developments and problems of some vegetative species, even as an end consumer. This section includes all activities concerning the dissemination of the project: the choice of the corporate image, communication campaigns, creation of the website and social channels, event management, and the monitoring plan.